Monday, 28 January 2008

Embroidered box

I am using a box which I made on a partially completed c&g course as my 3 dimensional piece for City and Guilds. Sian has suggested incorporating it into this module with some further embellishment. I am attaching photos of the box.

Chapter 3 Fabrics and threads

I have collected together items in my colour scheme and dyed some fabric and threads where necessary. I used Procion dyes in scarlet, lemon yellow, royal blue and marine violet. I have added in merino tops, angelina, knitting wool, silk throwsters, beads and sequins where I had them in the appropriate colours.

Computer painting

I have a very limited program so I did what I could to make spiral shapes.


I printed spiral designs onto sheets of my coloured papers using the two method - direct and indirect.

Chapter 2

I coloured paper and tissue paper with contrasting purples and yellows, using inks. I used these to create 2 dimensional shapes on a painted background, using the design ideas as inspiration. I used coloured and plain corrugated paper to make 3 dimensional shapes.

Module 3 chapter 1

I have collected pictures of man-made spirals, done some drawings and rubbings

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

First posting!

Iam studying the City and Guilds embroidery certificate with Sian Martin at Distant Stitch. Currently I am on module three and enjoying the spirals and colour! I hope to post some samples soon.